
by 4:56 PM
Hello its Trevor. Yesterday kayla and I ran a race called the Dynamic Duo. Some of our friends from the Amsterdam high school cross country team and track team raced too. The distance was 3.0 miles and the girls went first.

My partner is one of our school's cross-country and long distance runners.  There was one small hill about a mile in that if you started too fast and kept that pace the hill would have made your race so much harder. I ran too hard up that hill and my legs tightened up.

My partner ran a time of approximately 20 mins 25 secs and I ran a time of 19 mins 59 seconds. It was at a town park and there was pool.  I  enjoyed going in and relaxing my legs. My friend and I went over to the high dive during the awards as we knew we weren't going to be called soon.

Overall the race was fun - not just because of the pool, but having some of our friends there. By not having just my family there - made it so much better! ~Trevor

by 4:56 PM
Hello its Trevor here today and yesterday kayla and I had a running race called the Dynamic Duo. There were a couple of kids from the Amsterdam high school cross country team and track team. Everyone ran or walked 3.0 miles and the girls went first. My partner was or cross-country and long distance track runner for the girls and Kayla had her friend from school as her partner. There was one small hill about a mile in that if you started to fast and kept that pace the hill would have made your race so much harder because you would have started to tighten up ( at least I did ). My partner ran a time of 20:25.00 approximately and I ran a time of 19:59.00 (approximately). It was at a town park and there was pool that anyone could go in, so I went in to relax my legs. One of my friends and I went over to the high dive during awards because we knew we weren't going to be called soon that was probably the best idea. Overall the race was fun not just because of the pool, but having other people there - not just my family made it so much better.

by 4:55 PM

This is Trevor and over the past weekend Kayla and I had a race up in syracuse New York called an XTERRA triathlon. The swim was 1000 meters in length with a short run between each 500 meters the bike was just about 14 miles with 1 steep and rooty uphill lastly the run was about 6 miles up and down for most of it.

If you ask me the swim was good but the bike was great. it was smooth for the most part with very little bum

The awards where unique and after wards they had some pulled pork and pasta salad with cookies as a desert which i thought was perfect.

Swimming and TT~Kayla

by 12:46 PM
Hello Everyone,

Tuesday is our special swim night where we go up to the Great Sacandaga lake and with a few people from the Sacandaga Triathlon Club. We all look forward to this (even my mom who just lays out on the beach in the sun). Usually their are four of us swimming and my dad paddling beside us. The swim is about 1.3 miles and takes me about 33 minutes not including the rest time we take.

Then on Wednesday for the past two weeks we have been going to HRRT's time trials. The time trials are approximately 12 miles long. This week it took me about 43 minutes with an average pace of 17 miles per hour. I had an average heart rate of 173 and a max of 189. My whole family goes to this and we all love it.  Of course Trevor kills the rest of us. Unfortunately yesterday was the last Time Trial for the summer.


Silk and Satins 5K ~ Trevor

by 11:06 AM

My name is Trevor, today my sister and I ran a 5K which is 3.11 miles. I ran it in about 20 minutes and 13 seconds which is about a 6 minute and 32 second pace. The first mile felt alright but after that my quads started to hurt and I felt like I couldn't go any farther at the pace because of how slow I was going from heart rate training. I met up with one my friends at the finish and because it was so hot he did not have a good time ( I'm talking about throwing up more then once). Although it was hot out I survived and finished good enough for me. That's been it thank you for reading this short blog.

Silks and Satins 5K race ~ Kayla

by 9:59 AM
Hello everyone,
So today Trevor and I did Silk and Satins 5K race in Saratoga, New York. For breakfast I had a bagel with butter. We got to the race about a half hour early. Before the race my brother and I did warm ups that we do for track. When lining up Trevor went towards the front and I went towards back knowing I wanted to do a 10 minute pace. Once lined up I managed to be right next to a family friend which is pretty funny considering there was almost a 1000 people signed up for the race. I ended up taking the first mile out too fast which I do often so my time for that was a lot faster being an 8 minute 34 second mile. The next two miles which more consistent being 10 minutes and 18 seconds for the second mile and 10 minutes and 28 seconds for my third mile. I ended up doing a 9:42 pace which was what I hoped for even if my time wasn't under 30 minutes. My dad suggested to wear my heart rate monitor for the race also, so I did. My heart rate average was 188 and my max was 202. Overall the race was a lot of fun even though it got wicked hot towards the end. I would totally recommend the race especially if you like flat, fast courses.

Easy Day~Kayla

by 8:57 AM
Hello Everyone,
So today is supposed to be the easy day due to Trevor and I doing a race tomorrow, the Silks and Satins 5K in Saratoga, New York. I hope to go under a 10 minute mile pace at the race, fingers crossed.

 So to start of my day I went for a 2.04 mile run. It took my about 25 minutes to complete doing a 12:31 pace. Both Trevor and I are doing heart rate training so its not about the speed in which we run but to be able to run at a constant low heart rate. So today I was suppose to keep my heart rate below 160 the whole run.

Once I got back home I did a core workout. I decided to do Beachbody's Hammer and Chisel, Chisel's 10 minute ab workout. I personally have a bit of a love hate relationship with core workouts but I absolutely love this workout, its my favorite one at the moment.

After that I did yoga. I love yoga and I usually go on youtube to look up different videos, personally I love Yoga with Adriene's channel and only watch her videos. Today I decided to do Yoga with Adriene's runner cool down video, (she has a great playlist of yoga for runners). Yoga is my favorite way to cool down after a hard workout or just to destress in general.
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