Easy Day~Trevor

This is Trevor, Kayla and I had an easy workout today due to a race tomorrow July 23 2016. My workout today consisted of a 2.04 mile run and core workout. My run was at a 9:51 pace with one downhill from my house and one uphill back to my house. Kayla and I also do heart rate training so today I was suppose to keep my heart rate under 160. 

After the run I did a core workout. The core workout was made by the company Beachbody and was named Hard Corps core 1, a 10 minute workout. I don't particularly like core workouts but this one is one of my favorites. 

Also one last thing is the race Kayla and I are doing tomorrow is The Silks and Satins 5k race put on in Saratoga, New York. I hope to do the 5K in under 25 minutes.


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