Silks and Satins 5K race ~ Kayla

Hello everyone,
So today Trevor and I did Silk and Satins 5K race in Saratoga, New York. For breakfast I had a bagel with butter. We got to the race about a half hour early. Before the race my brother and I did warm ups that we do for track. When lining up Trevor went towards the front and I went towards back knowing I wanted to do a 10 minute pace. Once lined up I managed to be right next to a family friend which is pretty funny considering there was almost a 1000 people signed up for the race. I ended up taking the first mile out too fast which I do often so my time for that was a lot faster being an 8 minute 34 second mile. The next two miles which more consistent being 10 minutes and 18 seconds for the second mile and 10 minutes and 28 seconds for my third mile. I ended up doing a 9:42 pace which was what I hoped for even if my time wasn't under 30 minutes. My dad suggested to wear my heart rate monitor for the race also, so I did. My heart rate average was 188 and my max was 202. Overall the race was a lot of fun even though it got wicked hot towards the end. I would totally recommend the race especially if you like flat, fast courses.

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